Asparukh, the founder of the First Bulgarian Empire, advanced to it in 680-681 after routing the Byzantine army of Emperor Constantine IV in the Danube delta. Recent scholarship has suggested that the capital of Bulgaria was initially ...
Ispor (bAsparukh/b) bTsar/b... created great towns... created Plyuska town as well...". An unknown annalist from the 11th century described with these short words the ever living recollection of Bulgarians about their first ruler who founded ... A number of various monuments - Boyar bestates/b with massive stone buildings and many walled yards, settlements of the common population, churches and monasteries, trade-craftsman centers, aqueducts and drains, memorial Tumuli from pagan ...
On pourrait commencer par citer quelques grands souverains médiévaux des Bulgares : les Khans bAsparukh/b (VIIe si?cle), Krum et Omurtag (IXe si?cle) suivis des bTsars/b bulgares Boris 1er (852-889), Vladimir (889-893), Siméon 1er le grand ...